
Nintendo Week in Review #05 - October 13, 2018

Nintendo Week in Review #05 - October 13, 2018 Andrew Wagenknecht Biggest news of the week! Luigi's Mansion (3DS) is out now. Nintendo Switch Online Three "new" NES games available on the the service: NES Open Tournament Solomon's Key, and Super Dodge Ball. Super Mario Odyssey New picture art: Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo 3DS) Released on October 12, 2018. Pokémon By sending Pokémon in Pokémon GO to Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee you may receive the new Pokémon Meltan. Not to much Nintendo news this week, maybe next week will be pact full of new info!

Nintendo Week in Review #04 - October 6, 2018

Nintendo Week in Review #04 - October 6, 2018 Andrew Wagenknecht Biggest news of the week! Super Mario Party Out now. Rumor - New Nintendo Switch model to be released in 2019. Splatoon 2 Version 4.1 update out now. Splatoween, a one night Splatoon event coming for Halloween. Super Mario Party Released on October 5, 2018, available now. Pokémon Obtain Zekrom Or Reshiram in Pokémon Sun/Moon & Pokémon Ultra Sun/Moon from October 5 to 21, 2018. Get them through the Mystery Gift in-game. Pokémon GO Psychic Spectacular event going on from October 5 to 14, 2018. Psychic-type Pokémon will appear in the wild more frequently. Additional Field Research focusing on Psychic-type Pokémon will be available. Shiny Drowzee has a chance to appear! Nintendo Switch The Nintendo Switch is believed to have a new version coming out in 2019 during the second half of the year. That’s all for now! See yea next week!

Nintendo Week in Review #03 - September 29, 2018

Nintendo Week in Review #03 - September 29, 2018 Andrew Wagenknecht Biggest news of the week! Dragalia Lost released. Yo-Kai Watch 3 out next year for the USA Dragalia Lost Out now! Yo-Kai Watch 3 Available in the United States February 8, 2019 for the Nintendo 3DS/2DS. Pokémon That mysterious Pokémon we talked about last week has been revealed to be the Mythical Pokémon Meltan. More information will be released about it in the coming weeks. Various Games Starter Packs for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, and Splatoon 2 that include a guide are now available. Super Mario Odyssey New hat and outfit added. Splatoon 2 Team Modern beat Team Retro in the Splatfest last week and won 3–0. That is all for now! Until Next time, keep Smashing!

Nintendo Week in Review #02 - September 22, 2018

Nintendo Week in Review #02 - September 22, 2018 Andrew Wagenknecht Biggest news of the week! A new Pokémon?!? Nintendo Switch Online live now. Dragalia Lost has a new video and is out this week. Pokémon and Pokémon GO Kecleon and and a “new and unknown” Pokémon seem to be released in Pokémon GO. The both turn to Ditto, however when you catch them. The are tons of rumors as to what this is and what it means, we will have to wait and see. Deoxys will be the new EX Raid boss in Pokémon GO. Chikorita Community Day for Pokémon GO it today September 22, 2018. Pokemon TCG: Sun & Moon—Lost Thunder comes out November 2, 2018 with 210 new cards. The last Pokémon coming to the 3DS is Zeraora. Get it from October 1, 2018 through October 15, 2018 at select retailers as they are TBA still. Nintendo Switch Online It is live now! Go buy it, it is cheep and is well worth it. Dragalia Lost Two new videos are out by Nintendo explaining the...

Nintendo Week in Review #01 - September 15, 2018

Nintendo Week in Review #01 - September 15, 2018 Andrew Wagenknecht Biggest news of the week! Nintendo Switch Online available September 18, 2018. Isabelle turns a new leaf and joins Smash. Luigi’s Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing 2019 announced for the Nintendo Switch in 2019. After a week long delay due to natural disasters in Japan, Nintendo had a Nintendo Direct for 9–13–2018. Here is the run down of what was announced for the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch.  You can watch the entire Direct on YouTube. Luigi’s Mansion 3 It is currently in the works and being developed for the Nintendo Switch. It is planned to be released in 2019. Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn To be released for the Nintendo 3DS in 2019. It will include all of the levels from the Wii version, along with new minigames, new modes, and more. Mario and Luigi: Bowers's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.’s Journey A remake of Mario and Luigi: Bowers's Inside Story for the Nintendo DS in...